New release and a graphic book for Parshas Noach

Between the holidays and the web site hacking, I am just getting to this now, and unfortunately, these two books are not available on Amazon Prime, but perhaps you can find them in your local bookstore, or read them later in the year. And there is always next year…

Let My World Survive by Rabbi Yosef Deutsch is a new release, a novel-like retelling of the story of Noach based on traditional sources. I haven’t read it yet, but if it’s anything like Rabbi Deutsch’ previous books then it’s a great read.

Noach and the Flood by Rabbi Mordechai Chalamish is a beautifully illustrated graphic novel which retells the story of Noach, with midrashic sources, for the younger set. My seven year old son loves this book.

Hope you enjoy these!

P.S. If anyone did not receive the bonus Yom Kippur story due to technical difficulties please be in touch with me. I can resend.