Books for this time of the year

Hello everyone!

First of all, I’d like to remind you that if you’re looking for books for your family about the upcoming holidays, you can check the relevant book list here. Hope you find it helpful.

Second, I’m still looking for ideas on how to reorganize the list (see my previous post. Feedback would be much appreciated!

Need your feedback!

Hi everyone!

I will have to do some major revamping of this site. Unfortunately, Amazon will discontinue its astore feature at the end of October, so I won’t be able to keep my book list in its current format. I’d like some feedback on what would be the best way to maintain the book list on this site. I’d like to be able to update the list easily, so I’d rather not go back to Excel files.

I would really appreciate if you could either comment here or email me directly and answer some of the following questions:

— How do you use the book list?
— How often do you access it?
— What works for you and what doesn’t?
— Is there a different format for the book list that you would prefer?
— Are there any specific features you’d like to see?

Thank you!
Yehudis at

Books about Eretz Yisrael

I am updating the online book list. The latest addition is the Eretz Yisrael category, with books about the Holy Land and its history. Please check it out.

Shavuos book list

The Shavuos book list includes books about the Torah, about Megillas Rus, which is read on Shavuos, and about King David, who passed away on Shavuos. Hope you find it helpful.

Book recommendation: Dovid Hamelech by Rabbi Nachman Seltzer

My son and I enjoyed reading this new release together, and my older children enjoyed it on their own. Dovid Hamelech by Rabbi Nachman Seltzer is well written and beautifully illustrated. It retells the stories about King David, including midrashic sources, beginning from his childhood and ending once he became the king, after the death of King Shaul. The cover says “The Children’s Tanach Series.” I hope the publisher is planning more books in the series!

Book recommendation: Dual Discovery

Mazel tov! This blog is now a year old. Thank you to all my readers for your feedback and encouragement!

Last year, I posted about Dual Discovery. Since, thank G-d, we have many more subscribers now, I am going to repost it. And even if you read it last year — this is the kind of book you can read over and over again.

Book recommendation: Dual Discovery

New release: The Mosaica Haggadah by Rabbi Sender Haber

The Mosaica Haggadah just came out, in time for Pesach, and it looks interesting. I haven’t seen the actual book yet, but here’s the description from Mosaica Press:

“Why is this Haggadah different from all other Haggadahs?
Join Rabbi Sender and Chamie Haber and their charming family at their Pesach Seder – and experience this special night with this most special educational Haggadah.

Unique features include:
Real questions and insightful comments of dozens of bright and engaging students
Fascinating and meaningful short explanations by a world-class educator
Yocheved Nadell’s delightful contemporary illustrations
Laminated pages to allow for easy use at the Seder table for many years
Year after year, Jews of all affiliations celebrate the Passover Seder surrounded by loved ones. Indeed, handing down the story of our people each year at the Pesach Seder transcends generations.

Rabbi Sender and Chamie’s Passover Seders are known far and wide for being entertaining, interesting and unforgettable. The Mosaica Haggadah will inspire your family like never before.”

Book recommendation: Locked in Time by M. C. Millman

We recently read Locked in Time with my seven year old son, and he loved it. It’s a fast-paced mystery involving a long lost treasure, but it also revolves around the sale of chametz and conveys the seriousness of the transaction. It’s a fun pre-Pesach read.

Book recommendation: Just a Week to Go by Yeshara Gold

Just a Week to Go: One Boy’s Pesach Preparations in Jerusalem’s Old City by Yeshara Gold is one of my favorite Pesach books for the younger children. It’s a classic, published thirty years ago. The book follows a five year old boy as he and his family get ready for Pesach and includes real photographs taken in the Old City of Jerusalem. I love how the book builds up excitement about the upcoming holiday while teaching about its meaning and customs.

There is another book about the same boy and his family, which is about preparing for Shabbos — Hurry, Friday’s a short day: One boy’s Erev Shabbat in Jerusalem’s Old City. My family enjoys it too.

Pesach book list!

Hope everyone had a nice Purim. In my family, we’ve begun learning about Pesach. If you’re looking for good books for your family, or for nice children’s haggados to use at the Seder, this Pesach book list has something for all tastes and ages. Happy learning (and cleaning :))!