Book recommendation: Purim and the Persian Empire

We spent some time this morning looking at the book Purim and the Persian Empire by Rabbi Yehuda Landy. It puts Megillas Esther into its historical context, both according to Jewish tradition and according to secular history. Our favorite part of the book are the pictures — what Achashveirosh’s palace looked like, what kind of dishes Persian nobility ate from, the view of present day Shushan and the location of the palace. The book is fascinating. It’s not a children’s book, but even younger children can appreciate the pictures.

Have a joyous month of Adar!

Book Recommendation: Family Midrash Says Daniel

We’re currently reading The Family Midrash Says The Book of Daniel by Rabbi Moshe Weissman. My seven year old son loves this book and keeps asking me to read more. It’s a great introduction to the Babylonian exile, which will lead nicely into the story of Purim — coming up sooner than we think.

Several years ago, I did the same thing with my daughters. We read this book around this time of the year, and then delved in depth into the story of Purim. Disclaimer: we didn’t finish the Book of Daniel with them. They liked the action, but then, later on, it got more into prophecies of the four kingdoms, and my kids got bored.

Book list for Purim coming up soon, G-d willing!

Book recommendation: Good Shabbos: The 39 Melachos Illustrated

If you’re teaching or learning about the 39 categories of work forbidden on Shabbos, pictures always help. The book Good Shabbos / The 39 Melachos Illustrated with Photographs contains large color photographs, featuring children, illustrating each melacha. Kids love looking at pictures in this book.

Of course, there is also the classic The 39 Avoth Melacha of Shabbath, very much loved by my whole family. But it always helps to have a fresh perspective.

Meet the author: Yaffa Ganz

Yaffa Ganz has inspired and entertained generations of Jewish children, imbuing her readers with genuine Jewish values. I asked Mrs. Ganz to tell us a little bit about herself and her work.

Born and bred in a warm, loving, Zionistic community in Chicago, we made aliya in 1964 with our two little boys. We went to a rural area in the south of Israel where my husband was a rav in the yeshiva. We later moved to Jerusalem for the next thirty-five years and now live in Maaleh Adumim – a new, mini-city outside Jerusalem. Our kids, grandchildren and great-grandkids are all, Baruch Hashem, in close proximity within the borders of Eretz Yisrael.
Although most people are familiar with the name Yaffa Ganz because of Savta Simcha, Mimmy-Simmy, Dr. Mitzva or Jeremy Levi(many of my characters are more famous than I am!), I’ve also written several books for adult readers. They’re humorous, easy reading while touching upon serious subjects (Cinnamon and Myrrh, A Different Dimension, All Things Considered).
One young reader book I myself love and use all the time is The Jewish Fact Finder. This is not a book to “read”. It’s a wonderfully designed book of lists to help you find whatever information you need – facts, names, dates, numbers. Even teachers use it! A second title I’m very proud of is a two volume book of Jewish history for young readers – “Sand and Stars”. It’s a great, swooping, inspiring read across the panorama of Jewish history and in my opinion, it’s a valuable educational tool.
You can see all of the above on the internet. Many of the books have been translated into Hebrew (which is a good thing because none of my grandchildren will read the English, even if their bubby is a “famous” author!).
But the thing that interests me most and warms the cockles of my heart is my most recent project … a book of poetry called Wheat, Wine and Honey. It’s a collection of poems on just about everything… Torah and prayers; the amazing world we live in, the unique place called Eretz Yisrael, people and their foibles (including me, myself and I), and lots of just plain funny whimsy. There’s even a section of poetry for kids which is nothing like your regular “roses are red; violets are blue”!
It was a work of love that I added to over the years but never thought I‘d publish. And indeed! No publisher would take it, not even from a well known author, because “people don’t buy poetry”. So I published it myself and guess what? Some people do buy poetry. And if they don’t, I’ll still be left with a stack of lovely gift books to give to dear friends! If you’d like to see it, it’s available in paperback on Amazon. Wheat, Wine and Honey. Hardcover has to be ordered directly from me.
A word to all potential authors and other creative people … never take “no” for an answer. If something is important enough to you, go out there and try to do it yourself!

Book list for Sefer Shemos (Book of Exodus)

In less than two weeks we’ll begin Sefer Shemos. Since they were young my children have always loved the story of Moshe Rabbeinu and his siblings, the Ten Plagues, and the Exodus from Egypt. There are many good books on Sefer Shemos, for all ages and reading preferences. I’ve added comments and age recommendations, as well as several newer titles, to the book list. Here’s the updated Shemos book list.

Speaking of lists, I noticed that I have very few titles for the next book, Vayikra. If anyone has any recommendations please let me know! I’d really appreciate it.

Hope you enjoy the books!

Excerpt from Swords and Scrolls and interview with the author (yours truly :))

Would you like to read an excerpt from my Chanuka novel, Swords and Scrolls? Tachlis Magazine published an excerpt and a Q&A with the author (that’s me :)) in this week’s issue.

Enjoy, and share with friends and family! Happy Chanuka!

New release: The Lonely Shul by Rabbi Meir Uri Gottesman

Rabbi Meir Uri Gottesman is one of my favorite writers. His novels are infused with Torah and spirituality. I’m very excited about his new book for tweens, The Lonely Shul. Here’s the publisher’s description:

The Lonely Shul is a book for tweens like none other, written in beloved author Meir Uri Gottesman’s matchless style. It is full of imagination, humor, and action, but above all, overflows with simple, pure yiras Shamayim, ready to be poured into the hearts of its readers-young and not-so-young alike!

Can’t wait to read it!

Book recommendation: Navi Illustrated

We just got the second volume in the Navi Illustrated series, and started reading it this morning. These are graphic novels that incorporate the full text of the Prophets, both in Hebrew and in English, along with illustrations and dialog based on traditional commentaries. The first two volumes cover the story of Gideon from Shoftim. My children enjoy these books — it’s a fun way to learn Navi. The books are available from Feldheim (which currently has a Chanuka sale of 20% off).

Happy Chanuka!

The situation was impossible. The odds were next to none. The most powerful army in the world against a rag tag bunch of Jewish rebels who’d never held a weapon in their lives. And yet, they felt they had no other choice. They had to take a stand.

They won the war — because G-d was fighting their battles. In Haneiros Hallalu that we sing while lighting the Chanuka menorah, we thank G-d “for the miracles and wonders, for the salvations and the battles that You performed for our forefathers in those days at this time, through the hand of Your holy kohanim.” The kohanim were an instrument, a vessel through which the miracle took place. That was their greatness — that they were able to give up their own identities and become the agents of G-d’s will in this world. Kohanim, descendants of Aharon, who are lovers of peace. Kohanim, who strictly observe the laws of ritual purity and stay far away from death’s touch, not attending funerals except for close relatives, not visiting cemeteries. Those holy people overcame their natural inclinations and did what they felt was right. By giving up their own desires, they allowed G-d to take charge. And once G-d is fighting the battles nothing is impossible.

Sometimes, when the world seems enveloped in darkness, we feel powerless to make a difference. But we can remind ourselves that it is G-d Who is fighting our battles. We don’t need to worry about our odds. We just need to do what’s right, whether or not it comes naturally to us.

May the light of our Chanuka candles illuminate the world with Divine light! Happy Chanuka!